Classification I

This week we worked on Classifications. We shall focus on Different sensors; Test, Train and Validation of datasets; regression tree followed by few observations from the designed practical.

Different sensors

A possible nested architecture for remote sensing of UGSs. SOURCE: Shahtahmassebi et al. (2021)

Test, Train, Validate

Test, Train and Validation. SOURCE: mlu-explain

Below indicated Understanding Based on mlu-explain


  • Train the data to determine cat or dog

Data set

  • types: 2 types of animals
  • features: weight and fluffiness


  • supervised machine learning


  • split data into three
    • training set
    • Testing set
    • Validation set
  • How should the train it?
  • Use an appropriate model

Process. SOURCE: v7labs

Test Train Validation
  • Dataset used to test the model after completing the training
  • result: unbiased final model
  • accurate and percise
  • To train the mode
  • Learn underlying relationships
  • Should be a representative of the population
  • Chooses best parameters
  • Unbiased
  • avoid- overfitting
  • Same set of training data is fed into the neural network arch (repeatedly) -> model learns the features of the data set
  • Diversified set of inputs- why?- to train the model of all the scenarios-> predicting unseen data samples

chooses: best hyper-parameters + best model for the task - LR and neural networks

  • Separate fom the training set
  • helps tune model’s hyper parameters
  • helps us understand if training of data is moving in the correct direction or not
  • how does this work?
    • training data set-> trained on the model + simultaneously Validation set-> performs model evaluation
  • Why is dataset split to validation set?
    • To prevent model over fitting

Helpful Videos: 📹

Regression tree

Decision Tree - Classification. SOURCE:

Building Regression Tree. SOURCE: medium.datadriveninvestor


Friedl and Brodley (1997)

Concern: - parametric supervised classification algorithms - unsupervised classification algorithms

Sharma, Ghosh, and Joshi (2013)

  • Geographical Location: Surat, Gujarat (India)

  • Area: 386.28 km2

  • Data source:

  • Classification technique: 3 classification methods

    1. ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis) Clustering,

    2. MLC

    3. DTC (to map out 6 classes based on classification scheme)

  • Classification scheme:

    Classification scheme


    • Satellite data clustering (using ISODATA)
    • 50 classes (6 iterations)
    • 0.95 convergence threshold
    • clusters >> 1 of the 6 land use categories identified (above image)>> merged >> unsupervised classification
  • Supervised classification using MLC

    • Calculating the probability of a pixel belonging to the 6 classification
    • How? maximum probability >> pixel assignment >> respective class
  1. Decision tree
  • Classification= WEKA (open source data mining software)
  • Image conversion= ASCII format >>
  • DT classification
  • Decision rule set
    • Generation: training sets in WEKA J48 classifier (used for training the Landsat TM data set)
  • Output rule sets + trial classification results>> examined
  • Why? confidence levels and accuracies.
  • Based on these results >> modification of training sites (if necessary)
  • Uptill?
    • Reliable training sets are obtained
    • Good classification accuracies
    • Accuracies how? (based on Kappa statistics and overall accuracy)
  • Rule set = highest accuracy >> classify entire dataset in WEKA (using J48 classifier)
  • signature dataset (training) >> CONSISTING OF 644 training pixels >> Classification of images >> 6 land use classes
    • Deep water = 8%,
    • Shallow water = 9%
    • Sparse = 11% and
    • Dense built-up = 11%
    • Agriculture = 19%
    • Rest = 42% fallow land
  • 4 crucial factors for Classification performance
  • Class separability
  • Training sample size
  • Dimensional
  • Classifier type
  • Class separability using Transform Divergence (TD) test >>> result= 0 to 2000= good separability (good= greater than 1900; fair= 1700 and 1900; Poor= below 1700; )
  • Distributed throughout the study area = satellite data + fine resolution Google Earth images
  • Statistically valid sampling = commission, omission & accuracy (overall using LULC information)
  • Cover type information = classified map


  • Good separation among classes
  • BUT ---
    • Major overlap
    • Shallow water & fallow class
    • Some overlap
    • Sparse & dense built-up classes

Decision tree


Evaluation of training sets

Classification results

Accuracy Assessment:

  • Confusion matrix >> overlaying reference locations on classified map
  • DTC = 90% (overall accuracy)
  • Kappa = 0.88
  • Supervised classification= 76.67% (overall accuracy)
  • Kappa = 0.7186
  • ISODATA (Overall accuracy for classification) = 50 clusters = eight classes = 50.83% (overall accuracy)
  • Kappa = 0.4134
  • ISODATA (Classification accuracy)
    • 2.33% (PA for shallow water) to 100% (PA for deep water and UA for fallow)
    • MLC accuracy= 61.1% (PA for dense built-up) to 96.8% (UA for shallow water).
  • DTC exhibit highest accuracy range
    • 75% (UA for agriculture) to 100% (UA for shallow water)


  • Strength of DTC = flexibility and simplicity
  • for?
    • Partitioning dataset
    • Employs differentiation among the linear feature
    • defining boundaries between classes
  • Open source data mining software
    • use = attributes of a pixel >> construct a decision tree
  • WEKA Limitation
    • handling large datasets = methodology implementation implemented = smaller area
    • spatial resolution= not sufficient (analysisng finer details)
  • Study= lacking ground data collection


  • The advantage in pre-process= comparatively less effort in data preparation
  • Data: no normalization, no scaling, no effect of missing data on DT
  • BUT: a small change in the data set would lead to a larger change in DT structure, as it is time consuming to train the model this small change can make the process tedious
  • Should be comparatively easy to explain to stakeholders
  • It would help fill the gap of cost of acquiring and collecting data, especially in countries that are not more economically developed/ emergent nations.
    • Holloway et al. (2019)
    • Key barriers to monitor SDG’s
      • Cost of acquiring and collecting data
      • Lack of infrastructure
      • Required skills within countries and Organization
      • Satellite Imagery= addresses the issue of cost of data acquisition
      • Method contributing towards= SDG 15 (forest management), SDG 6 and SDG 2
      • Missing and observed data across all images in the study: Output=
        • Random Forest Method= more accurate
        • Inverse distance weighted interpolation for predicting Foliage Projective Cover (FPC)= Lesser compared to RFM


Friedl, M. A., and C. E. Brodley. 1997. “Decision Tree Classification of Land Cover from Remotely Sensed Data.” Remote Sensing of Environment 61 (3): 399–409.
Holloway, Jacinta, Kate J. Helmstedt, Kerrie Mengersen, and Michael Schmidt. 2019. “A Decision Tree Approach for Spatially Interpolating Missing Land Cover Data and Classifying Satellite Images.” Remote Sensing 11 (15).
Shahtahmassebi, Amir Reza, Chenlu Li, Yifan Fan, Yani Wu, Yue lin, Muye Gan, Ke Wang, Arunima Malik, and George Alan Blackburn. 2021. “Remote Sensing of Urban Green Spaces: A Review.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 57: 126946.
Sharma, Richa, Aniruddha Ghosh, and P Joshi. 2013. “Decision Tree Approach for Classification of Remotely Sensed Satellite Data Using Open Source Support.” Journal of Earth System Science 122 (October): 1237–47.